February 04, 2005

What's Trivia?

Trivia is an irc game that consists on answering questions about different subjects with the aim of testing your knowledge about them and mind.

You can find this game in our english channel (#yaoirulez@irc.irchighway.net). One of our bots (o-chan) has a script of questions and answers, and everytime you get a correct answer you win points.

There are basic commands you must be aware of: first of all to activate it you need to type "!trivia < number of questions >" or if you want a never-ending trivia you only need to type "!trivia" and !strivia to stop it.

Other commans that may help you guess the right answer are "!vowels" & "!last".

So...whats so good about this trivia game?

Well, many people play it in our channel, and makes it a good and entertaining way to meet them all and start new friendships with other yaoi lovers. And also, if at the end of the month you are the one with the highest score...

You'll WIN something special ;)

Written by Mayu Kawaii @ 8:08 PM,

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