Help T_T
July 18, 2007

As many of you might know (or at least should XD) our 6th anniversary is approaching, and since we are trying to do a biiiiig release as we did last year (omg 100 zips x.x) we need all the help in the world x.x

- Editors (with experience please :x)
- Chinese translators (that have tons of free time x.x)
- Japanese translators

Thanks <3


Como algunos ya sabreis, se esta aproximando nuestro 6º aniversario y ahora mas que nunca necesitamos ayuda.
Lo mas urgente seria:
- Editores (con experiencia previa por favor x.x)
- Correctores (que tengan un dominio perfecto del español, y que a ser posible sean de España para evitar al maximo modismos)
Gracias <3

Written by Beleth @ 2:53 AM, 5 comment

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