August 12, 2007

- Aishichattano ch02
- Hard line v02 ch02 (end of v2)

As you might know, the anniversary is approaching. We're having many problems because of lack of editors, so we PLEASE ask people to try to help, even if you can only edit a single zip (but please, we need people that know how to use photoshop).
We need too chinese translators to finish some of our mangas.
Another thing, we are going to drop hard line until we find a scanner for v3 onwards (japanese scans please).
So, if anyone wants to help, email us at


- Friends like a lover ch03
- Kaze to ki no uta v02 ch05b (fin v2)

Como sabreis estamos cerca de nuestro sexto aniversario, y debido a nuestra falta de staff necesitamos ayuda.
Sobre todo editores (si podeis editar para la parte inglesa mejor que mejor) pero si solo quereis editar cosas en español tambien sereis bien recibidos.
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Written by Beleth @ 11:20 AM, 1 comment

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